November 23, 2005

Being thankful

In the spirit of lighthearted optimism, Barney thought it might be good to get a shot of his Thanksgiving Dinner. He is a true bachelor and looking forward to the holiday. I'm ninety-five percent sure that there's a more traditional dinner available nearby, if he changes his mind. His neighbors are pretty good at whipping up a holiday dinner but he says this is the best one because it's already made.

Steve and the friendgirl have been planning all week to ride the city bus over to Green Street Church of Christ tomorrow. They try to go there and have a meal each Wednesday. Today though, they backed off the idea (mostly because Steve is still unable to walk more than a minute before he has to sit down) Their friends and the people from the block are planning on serving Thanksgiving dinner in the bar so they won't have that far to go. I might mention (and I only realized it today) he's had less to drink this week than I imagined he would. Physically, he's bound to a certain number of ounces but he's managed to avoid any extra. I hate to say that's good news but in somebody's world, it is.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Have a safe weekend.

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