November 17, 2005

An update

Update on the previous entry: Today Steve is able to walk. He's slow and he's bent, but able. More later.

I got to the hospital this morning at 7am. Steve's walking papers were pretty much ready to go. His social worker filed an application for his Bridges to Care extension. I'm not exactly sure what it is that covers but she added that where he went from here, is pretty much up to him. She was offering him bus fare to the mission, which tells me she's totally unfamiliar with the mission but then, I am not a social worker.

As a postscript, I put this image here because of the swelling in Steve's midsection. He'll give me some hell about that but it's important to note. This toxic spare tire is what's left after three and a half liters of fluid were drained. Without it, he'd weigh (probably) less than a hundred pounds.

Along the time I was making this post, Steve's breakfast came and he offered to share it with me. Twice. I thought things were pretty surreal yesterday, and the day before, but this morning, this morning started on a whole new level.

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